High Court of Australia Transcripts
Rout, An application by C4/2002 (14 March 2003)
Registry No C4 of 2002In the matter of -
An application for leave to appeal by THEODORE J. ROUT against the refusal of leave to issue a proceeding
MR T.J. ROUT appeared in person.
KIRBY J: You are Theodore Rout and you are the applicant in the application for leave to issue a proceeding before the Court now?
KIRBY J: We have the written documents that you have placed before us. You now have the opportunity to advance some oral arguments. Do you understand you are limited in time?
MR ROUT: Yes, I do, yes.
KIRBY J: Very well, you proceed to advance the arguments you wish to put.
MR ROUT: Okay, I might point out that the High Court of Australia, the legal system and I are victims of a mythological peer review organisation that does not exist and is staffed by volunteer workers of which there are none. So I am responsible for more than just proving there is another set of dividing and multiplying by zero and that it is incorrect. I have also proven in 1993 that Einstein's.....relativity is law. Now, all this data is related to, directly and indirectly related to, fusing of hydrogen which is..... I proved that the speed of light is alterable and controllable and I have delivered the evidence verbally in the Supreme Court on 29 August. I then went on in September last year to prove that time and the speed of light equal one another, such you alter one, you alter the other, and this in turn enables the altering of the speed of light within Einstein's relativity.
Now, I am given no credit or recognition for any of my work at any time. I have proved in 1994 that energy is ceasing to exist naturally in the phenomena because it ceased to exist and in September 1994 I proved that energy can be created from nothing which in turn proves that nothing is of a.....state of energy. Now, I required to increase the speed of light within a fusion engine so as to fuse the four hydrogen atoms which I claim become susceptible to fusing through the increased speed of light. Now, I have given no credit to - - -
KIRBY J: Mr Rout, you are now in the High Court of Australia which is the highest court in our country and you are seeking to have the Court give you leave to proceed with an electoral petition.
KIRBY J: The Chief Justice dismissed the document you tendered for that purpose as unintelligible and everything you have said to date seems to me to confirm what his Honour said. What is your exact legal claim? We are a court of law, we are not an academic committee of scientists.
MR ROUT: Well, first of all, one of the reasons why this has been dismissed - and I do not believe that Justice Gleeson considers it to be unintelligible. I consider that he is simply being dismissive and I have suffered dismissiveness from a whole range and there is a number of documents in here, people dismissing me, such as the university telling me that if I come back to the law faculty, they will get security to remove me; Dr Dracoulis from the Nuclear Physics Institute or whatever at the university.
But what I could point out to you is that I have had to write an aggressive document, a "white feather" letter to all the vice-chancellors of all the universities. It is their silence which causes me to be here, it is their silence which caused me to be in the Supreme Court on 29 August - - -
KIRBY J: That may be so, but we can only deal with legal issues. We cannot deal with other issues. You had better take them up with the universities.
MR ROUT: Yes, okay, what I am showing is that there is a conspiracy to deny me any credit or recognition and it relates to the stealing of the fusion technology. Data showing the proof of that on 8 August and in the "Catalyst" program in late August, suspect data from a suspect source, being a quasar, was published. But my data, that has been proven, is not published. So we have the evidence of a conspiracy. Now, I have made a contribution to the legal system - and, of course, there is no money in it for me - I have proven that everything is relative to its foundations which means that legislation does not begin and end with legislation. It is subject to its foundations being - it is based upon adding, subtracting, dividing, multiplying. It is such - - -
KIRBY J: That is true in the law too. You have to have a foundation in law that gives you a footing to come into a court of law. But what do you have to do with these issues? Nothing.
MR ROUT: But it does, because dividing and multiplying by zero, there is two sets. Now, Bob McMullan had the opportunity and the people in Parliament to understand that peer review ceased to exist after three years. I mean, they had an enormous time and they did not respond to it and they have refused to do so. So it was politicised and it became a criminal legal matter because I am being denied the remuneration from my work, I am being denied credit recognition of my work with the conspiracy to steal it and I come into this Court and the Judges of the Court should accept that peer review does not exist, so stop pushing it out there and expecting this peer review to take place. So I am saying to you that here we have - the suspect data is published here and if you have a look at this other data here, mine is about fusing of four hydrogen atoms and I have had it proved. Everything, each and every inch of the way, here we have here practical fusion on the second-last page:
Practical Route to Fusion Power
Small underground nuclear explosions could supply the world's electricity -
I mean, that is public.
KIRBY J: Mr Rout, the document you have tendered to be filed in the Court is called an electoral petition.
KIRBY J: It appears to challenge the election to the Australian Capital Territory seat of Fraser.
KIRBY J: It makes statements concerning the former Chief Justice and said that he is off with the late Mr Skase in Majorca in Spain, which is simply not the case.
MR ROUT: Yes, a little humour added there.
KIRBY J: It just has nothing to do with the case. We are very busy people, I am afraid, and you seem to be wasting our time.
MR ROUT: No, because you are called upon to apply the law.
KIRBY J: Exactly.
MR ROUT: And the law is their set of dividing and multiplying by zero. As long as they maintain their incorrect dividing and multiplying by zero, then they enable me to cause things to cease to exist, and that is why I have the power to do so. These people must move to the correct dividing and multiplying by zero and install it in their computers and that is the money which, the copyright dollars, et cetera, is to fund this major fusion project in this country, which the public are denied to know. Why is it freedom of speech as such that the media, the criminal media, are able to censor out what they do not want the public to know, you are able to dump news and information that is in the Australian and world's public interest into the garbage and they are free to black-list a citizen. So the situation is that you have this conspiracy between the media who will publish data and steal from me the recognition and give it to others regarding the altering of the speed of light. I have proven it is alterable and controllable in 1998, but yet they publish this rubbish in the - Paul Davies and others in the New South Wales University that are stealing my work and violating the copyright. So you see, there is no peer review out there. To ask them, it is the responsibility for the Education Department and these people.
KIRBY J: If you have a claim in copyright, you may have some legal foundation. I do not say you do, but you might, but it would not be brought on the basis of an electoral petition challenging the election to the seat of Fraser in the Australian Capital Territory. It has nothing to do with it.
MR ROUT: No, it does because the dividing and multiplying by zero, the set that they are adhering to, enables me - it causes things to cease to exist. Now, I have proven everything is on nothing so if everything is on nothing and you multiply it by zero, then the entire universe and the world does not exist. I have proven it conclusively. I am not hiding. I am not hiding, it is them in there in the universities, they hide behind their.....labels and they hide behind their status and they hide behind protected by the media who will not expose them. So I have proven it.
It is important to this Court that it realises that they now have because of me the evidence that you do have jurisdiction to apply the laws of mathematics and physics which Justice Brennan made in 1996. You have given these people - you are giving these people the means to continue to deny me credit and recognition, violate my freedom of speech. You do have jurisdiction to apply is there dividing and multiplying by zero to make them accountable. Bob McMullan can simply contact Batterham, their chief scientist, he has all those resources, all these great mathematicians. Why are they all hiding from me? Why do they hide? That is why this "white feather" letter, it has been sent to every one of these vice-chancellors of these universities and I am accusing them of conspiracy in the stealing of this technology. I have sent it to John Howard, John Howard the coward, he is a coward, and so is Simon Crean and the whole frigging lot of them.
KIRBY J: You must not abuse the occasion to be calling people names.
MR ROUT: Well, it is a matter - they have received it.
KIRBY J: Just stick to your legal arguments if you would and we will listen to them.
MR ROUT: Well, I used to speak nicely to these people and it came to the point that I had to turn around and write in an aggressive manner. Have a look - there, by the way, here we have the ANU is involved here in fusion. There is the article, so they are interested in the very technology. So how can I get peer review from people there who would rather take my data and develop it? They have spent hundreds of billions of dollars of public money on trying to fuse deuterium and tritium and all they have got to show for it is failure. These are experts. Well, I have supplied the evidence I can fuse four hydrogen atoms. Why do they hide? They are all hiding and they will not give me any credit or recognition. You will not find it in the paper. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court said to the lawyers, and the media knew about it, "Give Mr Rout the credit due for his input in the `Catalyst' program" a few months ago". So they were able to show it, but they did not do what he said because if they did, then they had to tell the world that Theo Rout has proven that the speed of light is alterable and controllable. So they keep me suppressed as a nonentity. That is what they did to Nikola Tesla and to Frank Whittle, the man responsible for the jet engine. AC electricity was Nikola Tesla. They knocked out his copyright, he got no money, but he transformed - he invented the 20th century. You would not have skyscrapers without him.
So they are doing the same to me. I say to people, "Look, these people are doing the same to me, the powerful people in this society and throughout America, et cetera, they want this technology, this is the one" - this is the ultimate theft and because I am not one of them - and, by the way, it is irrelevant whether or not they love or loathe me or whether the media loves or loathes me, it is irrelevant, they do not publish this data. That is why it is here in this Court. You do have the jurisdiction to apply the laws of mathematics and physics and you are called upon to apply their dividing and multiplying by zero which, when applied, Bob McMullan does not have any votes. They must move to the correct dividing and multiplying by zero. So why do they not deal with it out of court. It is in this Court because they keep denying me any credit or recognition. I cannot get one single thing published. I cannot get any remuneration even to employ a lawyer. I have people now plagiarising my work and attempting to steal it. It is detrimental, as I point out in this - - -
KIRBY J: Did you work at one stage for a university yourself?
MR ROUT: No, I am a self-made scientist. I am the man responsible for having developed the superior science. Now, the superior science is very, very important.....by Einstein. Now, I have demonstrated and proved my intellectual and scientific superiority. The superior science increases the human intelligence. It also improves the discipline to improve the reasoning powers. It is a specific science.
KIRBY J: Do you have a university degree in science yourself?
MR ROUT: No, I am the world authority on it and I have been working to develop it and apply it and I say "You want to fuse the four hydrogen atoms" as I say to NASA, "You must apply the science because if you learn how and why it works, that is the way to go." That is what I have been applying and I have proven that the speed of light is alterable and controllable because that is what I sought in a national interest grant back in 1992. To get it, I talked to Mark Oliphant, retired physicist, to get his help and support to get the grant. Well, I did not appeal the grant because I was disgusted with the ruling that they met behind closed doors, all these phantom figures, and they said, "No, but keep up the good work". Well, I have and I have proven these things and I get no credibility.
Here we have, when they talk about these achievements, you know, I have saved Einstein's relativity from the.....of Professor Paul Davies. He is saying that it has to go and whatever because the speed of light is a constant. Well, they fail to understand that when you are in a spacecraft moving at high speed or next to a black hole, time slows down and I say that time has to slow down relative to the slow of time, otherwise, its speed has increased. So - - -
KIRBY J: But what does this have to do with the High Court of Australia? It has nothing to do with it.
MR ROUT: Because all this technology goes to the fusion engine and dividing and multiplying by - - -
KIRBY J: It might, but that has nothing to do with an electoral petition before the Court.
MR ROUT: Well, it has an electoral petition because we have got two sets of dividing and multiplying by zero and so they were given a chance to - if Bob McMullan simply accepts my dividing and multiplying with zero, then I cannot cause his votes to cease to exist. They have got two sets of dividing and multiplying by zero. They have wrongly framed it as an action and it has to be framed as a non-action. So if you take, for example, throughout history people say, "Nothing will fix it, it is beyond repair, nothing will fix it", which means that nothing will not fix it. Nothing will do nothing, it is a non-action. But with them, nothing will fix it and nothing goes about fixing things. Well, it is false, they are contradiction and they are being politicised and they are trying to force them. I need the copyright implemented to get the funds in this country to get the project under way which would bring Australia to the forefront in space technology.
That is why I sent the - to realise that the peer review - and it is important the Court understands that, that peer review does not exist. It seems to be some sort of thing that is created by the Education Department to pass the buck. You run around there and think you get peer review. Well, it does not exist. The responsibilities are for the Education Department to respond because, as I say in here, in the first paragraph - and by the way, this is an - input to the "Higher Education at the Crossroads"
Students are required to give wrong answers to examination questions otherwise they will be failed by examiners who will mark their correct answers as being wrong. Academia, the Education, Scientific and Political systems are knowingly maintaining, what has been proven to be intellectual rubbish, in the education curriculum. They all and the Media are knowingly covering it up. They all in doing this for political reasons proves my politics and my science as far superior to theirs. They all will lose.
They are not being held accountable for nothing. They are able to hide and the media is protecting them. I have had all these people, the ACT - I had Mike Moore telling me to not come to his office again; Helen Szuty, "Don't come to this office", Helen Follett, no - - -
KIRBY J: Why do you think they are saying this to you? They are saying this to you because you are talking about matters that they can do nothing about and neither can this Court. We cannot deal with anything except a properly formulated legal proceeding which is within our jurisdiction.
MR ROUT: All you have to do - - -
KIRBY J: This is not such a proceeding, it has nothing to do with an electoral petition.
MR ROUT: But you have jurisdiction to apply the laws of mathematics and physics, you have the jurisdiction - I have proven it - to add, subtract, divide and multiply. So, I am subjecting them to their adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying through the Court. It is a criminal legal matter, it is not a peer review matter. That has all passed.
So they require to be subjected legally to their own dividing and multiplying by zero, their own adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying which is the laws of this universe and they must be subjected to them. The only way I can get them subjected to it is to say, "What, you want to stay there? Then I can apply it, I have this power. You want me to apply this power, then you change the dividing and multiplying by zero." They got it wrong 1,200 years ago and you can see that they are in a position they don't want to respond.
I destroyed the "Big Bang" theory. I destroyed it, it is an idiot's concept, but yet they continue to maintain the "Big Bang" theory that has credibility. It has no credibility, it is just total and utter rubbish. They have got space subject to matter, whereas matter is subject to space.
KIRBY J: This has nothing to do with us. These matters may be of interest to others, but they have nothing to do with the High Court of Australia.
MR ROUT: Yes, but the High Court of Australia does have jurisdiction to apply adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying and I am asking the Court to do precisely that, to subject them to their own dividing and multiplying by zero and this situation will be resolved because let the Full Bench make McMullan put his data on the table and rule against me if you want. But what it is is to get this thing public and to force this Bob McMullan to put on the table. They have put up nothing. I have asked them and they have never put up any proof, they have not got any proof.
It was an arbitrary decision made 1,200 years ago that their dividing and multiplying by zero is correct and it is wrong, and they will not put up. The only way I will get them to put up is if the Court brings the matter before the Full Bench and compels Bob McMullan to put up his dividing and multiplying by zero and if he cannot - - -
KIRBY J: I think you have said all this before. You see that the orange light is on now, so you have to wind up now in what you want to say. Is there anything that you have not said that you wish to say?
MR ROUT: What I want is the Court to apply its jurisdiction which you do have. You can force this person because their dividing and multiplying by zero is the law. The laws of this universe, et cetera, adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying, are the law and I am asking the Court to apply the laws of adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying theirs.
KIRBY J: Yes, thank you very much, Mr Rout. I will ask Justice Heydon to give the reasons of the Court for the ruling that will be made and announced on this application.
HEYDON J: On 14 February 2002 the Chief Justice dismissed an application by the applicant for leave to issue process, being an electoral petition annexed to an affidavit of 5 January 2002.
The applicant seeks leave to appeal against the Chief Justice's order. The applicant has not demonstrated any error in the Chief Justice's conclusion or in his order. The application for leave is dismissed.
Thanks to Austlii and this site: http://www.ratbags.com/rsoles/comment/routhighcourt.htm
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